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nothing in this world can bring me down .

no matter how hard things are, just don't give up.
yanshan shenjingbing. ♥


Amandy! Donovan! Isabelee! Jacelyn! Jean! Jesinta! Jorina! Karin! Le Huy! Mallika! Prissie! Rebecca! Rebecca.K! Richelle! Sheryl! Sila! Tricia! Vivian! Wan Ching! Yen Cong! Zhi Bing! Zhi Ting! 6-2! 1E3!

Designed by: Ahting

Big eyes.

November 2008
December 2008
January 2009
February 2009
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
July 2009
August 2009
September 2009
October 2009
November 2009
December 2009
January 2010
February 2010
March 2010
April 2010
May 2010
June 2010
July 2010
August 2010
September 2010
October 2010
November 2010
December 2010
January 2011
February 2011
May 2011

Sunday, May 22, 2011 - 11:32 AM
Our crazy love , never ending .



The three of us got closer only this year through dance. :)

Awww, awesome only!

Although our only memory together is @ Sentosa, but still, it holds back smiles and laughters!

During dance, we go crazy together, laugh together!

Hope you like the present we gave you, Jacelyn!

Felicia's birthday also coming! (Y)

Celebrating this Friday for the both of you ! AWESOME!

We cried together, laughed together and go crazy together remember? :)


Always going home together and eat like some piggggs! :p

Throw face together, do silly things tgt!

2 + years to go ! Our friendship is like a book!

We have to complete this fairytale! :D

This book contains every single bit of us spending time together!

Remember always, I LOVE YOU ALL!



yanshan .


- 11:00 AM
Am finally back !

Hi! I am finally back !

Omg! So long since I blogged!
Am lazy to blog . Sorry! Okay, shall start .
I will post two times. :) Another post to dedicate to my beloved Jacelyn and Felicia! (L)

Whatto blog? Hmmmm , lets start with school!
Results are okayy, I am most dissapointed with Chinese. Not a time to joke anymore. :(
I am quite happy with the rest, although they're not really high!
I have just to beat myself the next time round! :D
Didn't really expect much, cause as long as I did my best, I am already contented!
God really blessed me!

CCA in school is going to come down and there will not be any training during the holidays! :(
I WANT TO CRY ALREADY! I missed Ryan's trainings!
Nvm, there's still Latin! (Y)
Gonna take private lessons with Franco again! Retarded cher ! But he is awesome!

Exams are over after mugging and stuffs, worth it all!
I just found out that 2E3'11 doesn't have a lot of photos together! :/
Nevermind, more chances to come!
NAPFA 2.4km, its going to kill me. D: My stamina dropped okay! (N)
School is just awesome, but still I CAN'T WAIT FOR HOLIDAYS TO COME! :O

There's outing, church camp and family gatherings!
I have a lot a lot of things to do!
Shall make good use of time during these holidays!
I hope I can get selected for the Twinning Programme to Taiwan ! -prays-
Can't wait for everything!
I want to go out with Vivianang!
Feliciapang and Jacelynsim!
andandand a lot more! I WANT TO DIE !

I am scared for the Dance Talent Audition!
Ryan and no teacher is not going to help!
And it will be a Solo audition, OMG. ):
It will have to be a Contemporary Dance Solo . SHIT .
I want to get into this training! It is my dream!
I must train hard already . FIGHTINGGGG!!

Going to church later !
Having my first follow-up with Nadine! AWESOME!
Can't wait!
Shermain is coming too! Omgomg!
Yueling and I is going to wear the same LOVE tee! (Y)
She's going to sit beside me, IDON'TCARE! :p
Pressence of God!

I have been praying for people recently. :)
Wishing for people @ 11:11, hope all those work .
Hope they will be fine, please .
Everything is going to be good! TRUST ME! Amen!
I love you all! (L)

Everything is going to be awesome awesome! :D
I see obstacles and problems coming along, but God is with me by my side here! I AM NOT AFRAID ANYMORE. :)

[no matter how hard things are, just don't give up]

with love,
yanshanshenjingbing !


Saturday, February 5, 2011 - 1:21 PM
A new life,

Hey earthlings, :) I'm back after so long. :x Missed me, I know. I shy la, :B
Okay, Today's already the third day of Lunar New Year but still want to wish all of you A HAPPY CHINESE NEW YEAR, HUAT MORE OKAY! :D Hmmmmm, I think this year's ang pows decreased and its not as fun as last year . :/ But nvm la hor! :D

School's alright but I cannot catch up with Science! Damned! Shall really study hard and do well for CT1! This year streaming year la , omg . x.x SYF's coming up and really training very hard, T T . Hmmmmm, actually nothing much to say luhh. ^^ School's getting more and more awesome and fun, although more and more problems coming up, but put that aside la. Shall prepare for tution le!



YANSHAN shenjingbing .

Sunday, January 16, 2011 - 11:11 AM

Hai ren er men! ^^ Hmmmm, missed me right? :P I know . I'm blogging for the sake of not letting my blog to rot. :x Its only the 2nd-3rd week of school, and I'm already crawling on the floor. Let me explain:

Math - Still can cope, only for some, which I will go through again . ;
English - I can cope .
Chinese - What the hell is the teacher teaching? -.- I miss Mr Ng. :(
Physics - AH, WHATEVER, I'd rather learn myself, but still understand .
Chemistry - Doing well .
Art - Okay la hor. ._.
Geography - Still okay bah?
Home Econs - I'm so freaking blurr, plus have one so GONG partner. -.-
Thats about it? :)
Homework and homework . :/
I need more sleep! x.x
I now hardly even play computer during weekdays!
I need to watch my shows! :(
I need to do this and that, these and those. ._.
I need to prepare a lot of things before hand, -'-
I need to go according what teacher tells me to do;
why is it everything me?
i'm not the only one in the committee right?
why is everyone asking me things?
some stuffs, i'm not in charge okay?
i've nothing to give them to do already,
then you freaking said I must give them something to do.
left that freakig thing to do, so i let them cut rectangles.
after half an hour, nothing's done except playing and messing everything up. -'-
its my fault again yea?
in the end, we wasted paper that we freaking needed.
now, we've to buy everything again.
i had enough la hor.
what about violet?
she's in the committee too, mind you.
trying so hard to get what you all needed, in the end,
you all cannot coorperate. :) How great .
i've nothing to say anymore, i'm always the one who kanna la hor.
everything also i must do, i must say,
one side, cher, another side, friend.
both have different ideas and what?
i had enough la please.
Dance have been making me very tired, whats more, I live so freaking far . -.-
Come back, still need do homework and housework.
I've still tution homework and other things to do.
For once, stop asking me to do everything by myself can?
High expectations, thats what everyone expect from me,
Wtf, I am not perfect okay . -.-
Anyways, yesterday .
Met Cheryl @ AMK, first time waiting for someone for so long! 45 minutes?! But idk why time passes so quickly that time . ._. KOI-ed then went to Subway for lunch! (Y) Awesome! Gossiped along the way . Went to AMK library, finished up my homework and memorized the periodic table . ^^ Cheryl went off to her tution, went back to AMK Hub . MRT-ed to Orchard and met cousins and aunt @ TANGS. :) Richelle saw me and pulled my hair. -.- Going to take revenge tmr. :P Met them and I saw a hotpink bag! Omg! I love it very much! :( Cannot buy, but if Robinsons have, I can buy! ^^ (Y) -prayhard- Then went to eat dinner and then shop around then went to Chinatown and saw fire crackers. So loud omg! Chinatown was so crowded and the lightings so BLINGBLING. :P Then homed. :)
thats all, i think i will blog more often from today onwards. :x
yanshan .

Thursday, January 6, 2011 - 8:24 PM

First day of school till now = STILL OKAY LA. ._.
Not used to the seating arrangement w/ JOSHUA CHAN sitting in front me and EMIL CHEN sitting behind me. -.- AHHH! Just kill me, :/
Geog cher is quite okay la hor. ^^
Chinese cher is someone who is almost alike like Mrs Lee. ._.
Math , still Ms Chong, quite heng cause Idk is other cher better anot. :x
Lifelit is still MRS CHOY! WHOOOOOHOOOOO! (Y) (Y) :D
Home Econs teacher's sucha... BITCH. I prefer AH LEONG MUCH MORE! :x
Co-form cher is okay la, but damned not fun lor, SO DEAD.
The rest chers, I lazy to say la. :x
More and more homework each day by each day, AS USUAL. ._.

CCA has been very tiring but in a sense, FUN! :D Ilovedance! (Y) Today have 2 full run rehearsal which is damned tiring but I danced with energy the second time . This Sat is CCA Carnival + tution le. ._. Sigh la! I'm sure I'm going to be NERVOUS TILL I DIE @ CCA CARNIVAL. x.x Thats it I think? Btw, 2E3 Class deco plan quite cool oh! :P

i hope my voice can fullly come back, i miss my voice. :(

yanshan .

Saturday, January 1, 2011 - 1:53 PM
HAPPY NEW YEAR! 2011, here I come !

Hey people! Wassup! :) ITS ALREADY 2011 ! :D and sadly, 2010 has end. It became the 14th year in my story! Hope my family, and friends around me will have a better life ahead, as I can see 2011 is waiting for us! (Y) 2010 has brought me a lot of memories, seriously, funny ones, sad ones, happy ones, dissapointed ones, angry ones, and totally CRAZY ONES! \M/ Hope every year will be a new start.
Thank you for completing another part of my story, :) 2010 has really been a stanger to me. Everything came out . I know who I am now. Those school memories, family, friends, tution, outings, more & more! Thank you very much. :D THANK YOU PEOPLE, THANK YOU FOR THOSE MEMORIES AND MOMENTS . YOU'VE COMPLETED A PART OF MY LIFE! luvz , farewell, 2010. :)

HEY! You're my new friend! :) I know you love me, so give me a good year alright! :D My 6th sense told me that 2011 is going to be a good year! (Y) WELCOME TO MY LIFE, 2011! :D I'm waiting for surprises and challenges! I hope to know you more, ILOVEYOU! So, love me too! HERE I COME, :) 1/1/11, wo ai ni .

Last but not least, I want to wish everyone a HAPPY NEW YEAR! :D CHEEEEEEEERS! BE HAPPY ALWAYS! HEALTHY TOO! :) Study well, DON'T WASTE LIFE! :) GO TO THE MAXMAX! :D Smile, its healthy! BYE, going to celebrate New Year w/ family later! HOPE ITS GOING TO BE A GOOD GOOD NIGHT!

yanshan .


Monday, December 27, 2010 - 6:23 PM
Simple things in life, that go a long long way .

Marina Barrage w/ 1E3!

Hey people! Sorry for not updating my blog for so long, SORRY SORRY SORRY. Lazy mah, :x Plus my nice nice shows! :D (Y) I tell you ar, SUPER NICE ONE! KO 1, KO 2, Hanna Kimi, To Get Her, Romantic Princess, Love Buffet! OMGOMG, so niceeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee~ Me and Yi Ru going crazy over shows. Hahaha! Anyways, During the days that I didn't blog, A LOT OF ACTIVITES ARE HAPPENING OH! :P Wedding dinners, parties, outings, class gatherings, family outings, yeah! (Y) Hahhaa! Photos on top, MORE MORE AND MORE ON FACEBOOK LA HOR. :/ Anyways, school's reopening soon. SIAN! But but but have Jorina pei me go school! ^^ (Y) Anyways, had really fun day w/ my friends and family during Nov & Dec holidays! They really spark my life up! :D Anyways, looking forward to 2E3'11. :) 1E3'10 really created a lot of beautiful memories for me. \M/ We really rock okay! Okay, shall end here, hope you enjoyed your holidays to! 爱你哦! ZAI JIAN. :)

yanshan .
